2011 Reunion: Saturday, July 9, 2011 in Stanardsville, VA

Monday, June 20, 2011

19 more days!!!

I know I haven't added anything as promised, but I'm a busy gal.

Hopefully everyone has made their reservations because the reunion is just around the corner!

I'm looking forward to taking lots of pictures, eating food, chatting and having a great time with everyone.

If you haven't submitted your RSVP or booked your reservation, you may want to ASAP.

On a side-note, Mom-Mom (Dolores, Aunt Lois) made it through her rotator cuff surgery fine. She's in some pain right now, but she is staying positive and looking forward to being able to move her arm without constant pain.

If you have any questions, please call me or email me! (302.528.0147 or emsajettagirl@aol.com)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who's Coming & What They Are Bringing: Part 1




If you're here, you must have received your invitations!

There is an RSVP form on the top right of the page. Fill in your info and click submit. If you are going to RSVP for your entire family, just use your name and make sure to put in the number of people attending. You can also e-mail or call in your RSVP at emsajettagirl@aol.com or 302-528-0147.

On the invitation I noted to advise if you are bringing a side dish. You can tell us what you are bringing on the RSVP form (if nothing, leave blank). I will do weekly updates as to what everyone is bringing! 

The links to the campground can be found on the right hand side of the page, as well as any other helpful information. 

Hope to start seeing your RSVPs!!!